So you haven’t heard from your narcissistic boyfriend that you bravely ditched last week and now you’re wondering what he’s up too. You’re second guessing yourself, even though it took you months to get to here. Instead of punishing yourself by over-thinking things that could hurt you even more, think banana?

Instead of wondering if you’ll hear from him, think? Think about the things that you want to have happen in your life, how you want to feel and less about what isn’t happening.  When you catch yourself fearing your future, think?If you find yourself straying from healthier thinking, think?

It’s time to get in the drivers seat of your life and not shotgun where ego calls the shots. The job is to think ?whatever it takes to help bring calm to the body so it will want to participate in the healing, otherwise it can be triggered very easily, keeping you stuck in despair and wanting to go back for more chaos and uncertainty.

The job is to break the negative thinking pattern and the self sabotaging thinking that can feel very narcissistic if it has too much airtime. If you don’t break it, you split because often your own thinking is too hard to bear. When you break negative thinking you will raise your vibration, increase your self-esteem and confidence, which will have you attracting healthier relationships because you’ve learned how to protect and care for yourself, creating a pathway to you.

You are more powerful whole.  You can think more rationally whole. When you are whole, your potential for success is unlimited.

Try it out!  Think? ??and watch your life transition to something more true to who you are today.