Today I think of the students out there trying to navigate these waters and my heart weeps. Covid sucks and maybe even school does too.

We are embarking on a new era. A new way of being. Our children are wired differently than us 60’s/70’s babies. They don’t all want to buy into the old institutional structures that often isolate creativity and expanded thinking(that can make a parent really uncomfortable). Our children want something that possibly doesn’t exist yet. Which may be why we find ourselves confused as to how to best to support them — especially during a pandemic.

We as parents we have a tendency to navigate from our own experiences, surfacing our own fears…and I’m just wondering what it would look like to walk with our students from a place of trying to understand and empower their thinking, by holding a space for new conversations. I wonder with love leading how much light could be shed on how to best participate in the new world that will not rest till it has mastered execution.

I just wonder if they know more than we’re giving them credit for….