Pam's Wellness Blog

A Letter To Self
I hear you summoning me to find my way back to you. I’ve been gone for too long. Please forgive me. It’s been difficult to manage my life without having to check to see if you were included. It’s complicated. For a time, it didn’t seem like it even matter that...

Getting Comfortable With Aging
Hello to all the women wanting to get comfortable aging with some ease. Who find themselves feeling uncomfortable thinking they need to buy into the lifts, tucks, perks and plumps or they’ll be left sagging behind. Not every personality is wired for an overall and,...

Ordinary Moments
“We chase extraordinary moments instead of being grateful for ordinary moments until hard shit happens. And then in the face of really hard stuff — illness, death, loss — the only thing we’re begging for is a normal moment.” —Brené Brown Each day I wake up and ask the...

When She Said Yes
When she said yes to the affair, she had any idea what parts of herself she'd be giving up or what she'd need to become to be the chosen one. She was too busy managing her surprise that he could even want her. She loved hearing from him. It made her feel secure...

Does Your Husband Have You Dim IT Down?
I hear this all too often. A beautiful, smart, intelligent, kind women telling me that she doesn't feel she can speak her truth to her husband. When I ask her what's stopping her, she pauses...gets a little teary and says, I'm afraid of his reaction. ME: What's his...