It’s such a mind drain, isn’t it? Being in a relationship with someone who in the beginning was so intriguing in a way that you’d never experienced. He spiked your curiosity and awakened a deep-seated longing, a longing that makes you do and say things, just to keep peace… and let’s not forget, to keep him wanting you.
Yet your spiddy senses say, something just doesn’t mesh. His moods are unpredictable. He makes you feel like you’re the one always at fault – if only you’d change things would be better. He tells you who you are, and who you’re not. He says it in such brilliant way that you actually think, he may be right. But is he? You don’t care as long as you can be close to him and continue to win his trust and his love. In lonely and uncertain moments you ask yourself, Why am I so anxious when I’m around him? Why do I feel so much suffering, so much uncertainty and so desperate to be loved by him?
When you’ve given up the essence of who you are to be with him, you need to know you’re no longer in charge, he is.
I can help gain full authority over your life. I work with individuals who no longer want to walk on eggshells. People who want to start believing and trusting in themselves. People who are interested in understanding what they want, what they need…and learning how to ask for it from a place of knowing it’s the path to freedom.

It’s from a place of self-awareness that we can begin to make healthier decisions about what we will and won’t tolerate. Call today! I’ve walked the walk.